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Going Beyond Just Symptom Treatment Is Key!
Many people spend years endlessly treating symptoms and trying one 'cure' after the next. When treatments that work for others don't work for you and when symptoms get worse seemingly without cause, it can be easy to become disheartened. But by understanding what is going on, small changes in your approach can suddenly produce more favourable outcomes towards recovery!
What You'll Learn in this 3-Part Video Series:

- The Root Dysfunction
The biggest clue to the root cause and how it creates all the symptoms including pain and fatigue. - The Dynamics Of This Dysfunction
Where it occurs and it's connection with the locus coeruleus.
- The Recovery Enigma
HOW and WHY people recover through so many different treatments and why they don't work for everyone. - 5 Key Elements of a Successful Recovery
The process for recovery is not a magic cure, and so we discuss 5 key elements to start your recovery journey now.
Dan Neuffer, the author of CFS Unravelled and Discover Hope, is also the founder of ANS Rewire, an international recovery program hosted online for ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and POTS.
As a former physicist, Dan used his scientific training to learn more about Fibromyalgia, POTS, and ME/CFS — all of which he was ill with for seven years. He formulated a hypothesis on the illnesses’ pathogenesis, which led to his recovery framework that explains the difficulties medical and research communities faced with these diseases.
Now, his primary focus is to educate and support patients, as well as their doctors, to demystify these illnesses and demonstrate that recovery is possible. Dan himself has fully recovered from his illnesses in 2010 and has been helping patients to achieve the same.You need not face your health conditions alone. CFS Unravelled sheds light on your health struggles and offers support as you strive for recovery. Connect with us today by joining our email list above.