Discover How Recovery is Possible
Even though there is no one-fit-all cure, people all over the world recover from these syndromes. They do so in many different ways.
Learn how you can find YOUR way in this groundbreaking book. Subscribe to the free newsletter & download the first ten Chapters right away!
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What The Experts Say about CFS Unravelled

Professor Kati Thiem, PhD
Recipient of the International Award for Fibromyalgia Research
What makes Dan Neuffer (CFS Unravelled) unique...
is that he breaks through the noise and focuses you on the underlying dynamics that the medical research communities have wrestled with for many decades. He delivers the science about how the dysfunctions produce the symptoms in a way that the layperson can absorb. "

Dr James Roberts
The conclusions Dan Neuffer has arrived at are shared by top researchers who don’t harbor a bias.
I have been a practising clinician for over 40 years and have researched fibromyalgia for more than 20 years. In my time I have spoken with dozens of top fibromyalgia clinicians and researchers and I am convinced that the conclusions Dan Neuffer has arrived at are shared by top researchers who don’t harbor a bias. Dan’s model makes the most sense and is one used by people I know who have recovered."

Karen Lee Richards
ProHealth's Editor-in-Chief
Dan doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all treatment plan.
I've been studying these diseases and reading the research for more than 25 years. In that time, I've come across many experts who have put forth various hypotheses that would explain some of the symptoms of ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia. But they all seem to fall just short of painting a full picture of what's going on with these diseases.
Dan has done the best job I've seen to date of putting all the pieces together into one comprehensive explanation. His hypothesis clearly explains why such a variety of “causes” or triggers can all result in the same illness. It also reveals how symptoms can vary so greatly between patients who are diagnosed with one or more of these illnesses."
What’s Inside CFS Unravelled?
A comprehensive explanation of how the illness perpetuates, making sense of what you already know.
How the symptoms are created, including many that you and your doctor may not realise are part of the syndrome.
One persons' 'cure' won't necessarily work for the next. Discover how recovery is possible in multiple ways.
A recovery action plan that goes beyond symptom treatment. Tailor your approach to resolve the root cause of the illness.
Dan Neuffer is the author of CFS Unravelled and Discover Hope and the founder of ANS REWIRE, the leading international online recovery program for Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, POTS and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities being used by patients in conjunction with their medical doctors in over 40 countries.
Dan is a former Physicist who used his scientific training to research ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and POTS which he was personally ill with for 7 years. He formed a hypothesis for the pathogenesis of the illness that led to a recovery framework. His work explains many of the conundrums that the medical and research communities have had difficulties coming to terms with for decades.
His primary focus has been on educating and supporting patients and their health care practitioners to demystify this group of illnesses and show how full recovery is absolutely possible, despite the fact that there is no panacea cure for these disorders. He has himself been fully recovered since 2010 and since then has been helping patients with their health care providers, to achieve recovery from this group of disorders.
Subscribe and download the first ten chapters right now!
The newsletter contains free resources like articles, recovery interviews, videos, as well as information on products like books and other online resources. You can unsubscribe at any time, here is a link to our Privacy Notice.