Abigail tells how she managed to reverse long-term Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS after 20+ years
Even after a few years, we wonder how we can reverse long-term fibromyalgia or ME/CFS. That’s why I am excited to be able to bring my first audio interview of someone that managed to recover from long-term Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and what an amazing and inspirational story it is.
Abigail shares not just what she did to recover and how she did it and the emotional rollercoaster of it all.
Even though I am already recovered for many years myself, I found her to be very inspirational as Abigail had been ill ALL of her adult life and suffered from this illness for over 20 years before she recovered.
Despite living a full life now and working full-time, she sees herself as partially recovered (85%), but I can’t help but wonder how difficult it must be to truly measure her degree of recovery given that she has not had a frame of reference for the normal ups and downs of the average ‘healthy’ adult.
I have my own views, as does Abigail, but regardless of what you think in terms of whether she is fully or partially recovered, I hope you will all see the value in her amazing story of recovery to get her health back and to get her life back.
I feel Abigail is a great inspiration and brave to share her story.
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This was great to hear – thanks to Abigail and Dan and particularly for making this available in audio as reading is very difficult for me at the moment. It seems the message of taking personal responsibility to get well is key and also taking a multi-disciplinary approach and maintaining the sense of determination even through the setbacks. It is hugely refreshing and encouraging to hear a recovery story from someone who was ill for so long – it would be great to hear more like this and from people who are more severely effected as so many stories tend… Read more »
Thanks for the positive feedback. I hope you see that ABigail was severely effected!
I agree about other ‘stories of recovery’ from fibro of CFS/ME, often people had chronic fatigue, not chronic fatigue SYNDROME – completely different things!
The more I am working with other people, the more I realise that the ‘buddy’ system is important. However, I think a coaching relationship is much better. People supporting each other when neither is confident of success can only have limited benefit.
Glad you enjoyed the story!
Thanks Alex! It sure feels great to be healthy these days. A buddy system is great idea… unfortunately the only people I knew with CFS or Fibro were as sick as I was… and didn’t really know how to get better. It was when I invested in my health and saw a holistic practitioner twice a month that I made progress with my health much faster. My guide had seen it all and was confidant anything was possible for me; this is just what I needed to stick to the new holistic lifestyle I was choosing. I’m wishing for you… Read more »
Hi, Love to hear of recovery from this. I am glad that you are starting to enjoy life. Thank you for sharing and my wish is that you continue on your way. Following are some of my thoughts and a brief potted history of my fibro-fight. All sorts of phrases spring to mind; ‘We’re here to smell the roses’ etc. but being more specific has helped me. Tell yourself simply to Have Fun, smile even when you don’t want to. Recent research proves that if you physically change your body, your physiology follows and vice versa. So now I practice… Read more »
Thanks for your comments, glad you have your eyes on the prize – keep going! 🙂
This was very interesting, and made a lot of sense. I would like to know what treatment approaches she used to deal with the candida and the parasites, since so many People with CFS cannot tolerate
Drugs….did she use natural approaches or the very strong ( and hard on the liver) antifungals and anti parasitic drugs?
Alot of this is about her persistence, which is really important, but more of the practical story would be helpful too. Did the kinesiologist prescribe homeopathic remedies for instance?
Thanks again!
Hi, thank you very much for sharing your story. Its been some years now, and I wonder how you are going? I have been very ill with CFS, FMS and PTSD for many years, 30 about. I have tried many things, but feel that because of the complexity of all these put together, I seem to not be able to put in the time that is so obviously needed. I get a set back, and my world falls apart. I would so love to be able to say that I am even 50% better… but unfortunately, it has gotten worse… Read more »
Hi Tanya
Sorry to hear you are not well, but hopefully these and the other recovery interviews inspire you. If you haven’t already seen it, check out the video explanation series in the resources section. You should have a link to this in your last email update if you are on the mailing list. 🙂
Very encouraging !