ME  CFS  Fibromyalgia  POTS  PVFS  MCS

Recovery is Possible!

Where are you in your journey now?

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Not Coping?

When you experience so many symptoms including pain & fatigue, it be tough. Not only is it hard to deal with the symptoms, but also the rest of your life is more difficult also.

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Lost Hope?

If you’ve tried lots of treatments and been promised ‘cures’ only to be repeatedly disappointed, it is easy to lose hope and not realise that recovery & getting your life back is possible.

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Seeking Inspiration?

Sometimes we simply need a daily reminder to stay on track when all the odds seemed stacked against us. It's tough being upbeat when experiencing chronic illness.

Seeking Advocacy?

Invisible illness can make you want to scream sometimes, especially when nobody seems to understand what you are going through. Together, our voices is stronger.

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We often get sick of treating symptoms without making any real progress. It becomes hard to make sense of all the different experiences, treatments and theories out there. Time for clarity.

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If you are starting to feel confident about the explanation offered and becoming ready to take solid steps forward, then gain a deeper understanding is key and these lessons will help you do that.

Get Well By Treating The Cause Not Just The Symptoms Of CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS And Related Syndromes

Anyone that has experienced this illness for some time, knows that endless treatments of symptoms doesn’t produce results. So why do some people recover, doing seemingly just that?

In CFS Unravelled, Dan Neuffer explains how the large range of symptoms are created, why people lead into the illness in different ways and why they recover using the very strategies that others often try without success.

CFS Unravelled allows you to finally start your recovery journey by tailoring an action plan that addresses the root dysfunction of the illness.

What makes CFS Unravelled unique...

What makes CFS Unravelled unique is that it breaks through the noise and focusses you on the underlying dynamics that the medical research communities have wrestled with for many decades. Understanding this is key for you to regain your health!

Dan has done the best job I've seen

I've been studying these diseases and reading the research for more than 25 years. In that time, I've come across many experts... Dan has done the best job I've seen to date of putting all the pieces together into one comprehensive explanation.

Best-written Book of all Fibro Books

Hands down the best-written book of all fibro books...and I have read them all. I also agree with his conclusions 100%!

Professor Kati Thieme, PhD Recipient of the International Award for Fibromyalgia Research
Karen Lee Richards ProHealth's Editor-in-Chief
Dr James Roberts Clinician

What others are saying about CFS Unravelled...

This book has given me great clarity regarding the road to recovery.

I feel like "the penny has dropped", that I am no longer fumbling in the dark looking for answers form a myriad of sources. I know what I have to prioritise to support recovery, and I feel I now have enough understanding about what is actually happening in my body to know what professional advice and guidance to take on board to further support recovery. Someone just switched a light on.... thanks Dan!

Sara P

Life Changing

Intriguing. Well-researched and written. Implementing its information was literally life-changing. Thank you Dan Neuffer for your tenacity, intelligence and talent.

Amy B

This is by far the best book I have read and I have read many.

The science behind the illness is explained and then how you can help yourself to recover. Your nervous system has been traumatized and no magical pill will fix this problem.

Vince Z

A must read for anyone with Fibro/CFS or related symptoms

This book is a must read for anyone who wants to heal themselves. I have been reading and researching CFS for two years now and this is hands down required reading. I wish I had found it earlier.

The illness is such an expansive topic, and further reading will likely delve into topics such as adrenal health or gut inflammation, to name a few, but you must read CFS Unravelled first to fully understand how those treatments fit into the larger picture and understand the source.

Jayson Y

It doesn’t leave any questions unanswered.

I have been sick with CFS/Fibro for 16 years, seen 6 G.P.’s and over 10 Medical Specialists as well as about 6 alternative health practitioners, and read almost every book written on the subject. Nobody fully explained how CFS/Fibro works and how people really get it and recover from it, UNTIL NOW. I finally have the confidence and the tools to recover. I never thought I would feel hopeful and excited again about getting my life back.


A must-read for medical practitioners & anyone with CFS/Fibro

This book by Dan Neuffer is one of the best books I've read on CFS/Fibro and how to recover. Neuffer brings a thoughtful, scientific and unassuming approach to the quest for answers and his explanation might just be what we all have been waiting for.


Getting the message across!

I am a huge fan of Dan Neuffer's study 'CFS Unravelled' - he is the 'Real Deal' and knows his subject and the science well.

I usually read very little outside of computer work, especially since suffering CFS. Dan's writing style and reaffirmation of 'key points' made for a very readable, informative and revealing study. Dan describes in detail how and why all our 'Chemical Switches' are affected in sufferers. I was able to follow the science for the most part and was fascinated by what I read.

Well done Dan! (As one to another!)
A great and inspiring read.
Thankyou 🙂



I found this book on kindle and thought, what have I got to lose? I feel like crap anyway, I can't get any worse...
WOW... Amazing insight, Amazing story, Amazing results... Get it - You won't be disappointed


Clearly someone who really understands what its like to have the illness

Wow! This book blew me away. I've been ill for years and I had just resigned myself to being ill forever. I felt like I was never going to get to the bottom of why I feel so awful nearly every day of my life. But then I read this book and I feel like somebody understands me. I feel like there is an explanation for all this. Not only that but I feel like I can get better. I know it's not going to be easy but I don't feel so depressed about it. It's helped me understand what is happening in my body and has also motivated me too. There is an action plan at the end of the book which I intend to use. Feeling very positive for the first time in a long time.


Incredibly Helpful

I have been after a book which actually makes 'sense' about the illness, this book has given me that along with a lot of confidence to move forward. I now believe this book can give me the tools to get better, so I have hope after 5 years of searching! Watch this space, as a new me could well be here in a few months time! 🙂 If you have CFS/Fibro, then buy this and BELIEVE in it.

Adam B

I had waited for this kind of book for a long time.

Dan Neuffer explains scientifically how and why it is so difficult to recover, but also shows that it can be done. After having read this book I slept better and got more hope to recover myself.

Bodil W

Nothing has brought it all together like this

For years, I kept searching for cures and treatments, but never for the cause of the illness – WHAT A BIG MISTAKE!!! Then I read CFS Unravelled and it seemed like it was tailor written for me. Nothing about Fibromyalgia or CFS that I have ever read before has brought it all together like this. What a great book for partners to read – finally my husband understood what I was going through, but more importantly, how to help me recover and stay well. Just give it a chance, reading CFS Unravelled will be the only book on CFS/Fibro you need to read.


Best investment I've made.

Finally, someone who understands what we are going through. I believe that recovery depends on understanding the root causes of this illness and Dan offers the best view yet having been there himself for several years. This book is by far the best investment I have made in this illness, It has given me hope of a full and healthy life where nothing else has.

Tania L

A comprehensive, all encompassing understanding

The author's covers some significant explanations of the symptoms, yet steps back and looks at the bigger picture, i.e. a dysfunction within the autonomic nervous system. His writing style is clear and he expresses some complex concepts in a thoughtful and thorough manner. I would thoroughly recommend it as a starting point for anyone who is seeking to understand the underlying mechanisms for CFS/Fibro and a way forward in terms of addressing it!

Chris B

The most exciting book on ME/CFS! Truly.

It's quite clearly the most exciting and valuable book on ME/CFS that I've encountered in the 15 years that I've been ill with this mysterious "disease".
"CFS Unravelled" demonstrates in simple language how to restore the balance of energy utilisation in your own body and cure yourself completely. I never thought I would say those words and it's a bold claim. Buy this book and you'll see it's justified.
Dan also gives free backup and inspiration via his website which I find enormously helpful already. He's a most kind and gentle man and you will not regret buying this book. I promise!

Colin G.

Having been ill with this for well over 20 years it was a revelation to read CFS Unravelled. I have read many books and looked for explanations but this is the ONLY book that has made things clear to me and has given me an understanding of what is going on. This is the only book I have found that gives a valid and detailed explanation for what may be going on in our bodies. It all makes sense, and in making sense immediately resolves a lot of the stress and confusion. Yes there is work to do to possibly get well, but reading and understanding was the first step for me.


Great book

I love this book. I have a clear direction and know what to do to completely heal from CFS. I'm glad I found CFS Uraveled on youtube. After watching interviews with people who healed from CFS I bought the book. I thought I just had to live with CFS. Now I have hope that I can have energy and health again.


I can honestly say that CFS Unravelled has changed my life in some way.

I have not been given this information about cfs anywhere else and I believe and can relate to it 100%. I have been recommending your book ever since i read it thank you!


Just Brilliant

This is the best most comprehensive book on CFS I have ever read and I HAVE READ LOADS!! The explanations about how vitamins affect your body were clear and concise, thank you for this. I have recommended it to loads of my support group members.

T. White

Who Is Dan Neuffer

Dan is a former patient who experienced the illness for about 7 years. He was frustrated by the endless cycle of trying new treatments that inevitably didn't work and that left him feeling more disappointed and despondent with every try. He had eventually given up all hope of recovery, but when his health took a final a drastic turn for the worse, desperation pushed him to find more meaningful answers himself.

Using his training as a scientist, he pieced together a more complete understanding of the dynamics of this illness and a single root driving dysfunction. These insights allowed him to build a recovery action plan different than anything he had tried before which led to his recovery. You can learn about Dan Neuffer's journey with ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia POTS here.

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