Tim shares his long-term recovery from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
When people hear of others that have recovered from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, they often wonder if they can stay recovered. Tim shares how he got his health back and stayed well for over a decade after 5 years of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
Many people struggle to heal from ME and suffer a great deal, so it was especially interesting how Tim looks back at his struggles to recover from the illness.
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i think this is very useful but it would be great making a summary in text format.
Hope to generate transcripts one day! 🙂
Very good to hear this story of recovery . I am in my 3rd year and have been pretty much housebound for the past 6 months. To try and keep my hope alive I have decided to listen to a recovery story each day. There are also a number of recovery stories on the web site of the Optimum health clinic -a specialist ME clinic in London. I am determined not to give up.
Many thanks for sharing your story Tim.
Glad to hear that you are supported by these Hilary. Hopefully the video series explaining how recovery happens will help you gain a deeper understanding of why these recoveries from ME/CFS/Fibro happen in these different ways! 🙂
Any way to keep in contact with people who have recovered for encouragement and reassurance? I’ve had ME for 6 years now. I think I’m getting better, but any help would be great!
Hi Noel,
Well some people have contact details under the videos, but otherwise no.
Are you using a brain-training program as part of your recovery efforts?
Second time listening to the video (once in 2015 and again now). Great insights. Easy to listen to. Mental stress awareness is just a big a factor in recovery as physical stress as Tim talks about in his recovery journey. Thank you Tim and Dan.
Thanks for your comment Louise – lots more stories coming soon. 🙂
Beautiful interviews. God bless you both for sharing
Hello Dan, Hearing this story and the religious outlook of Tim reminds me of the book I am at present reading. It is newly published, called “Sustaining leadership” by Paul Swann, ISBN 9780857466518. Paul was very badly struck down with M E, pretty much bed-bound, severe fatigue, pain, the whole package. Paul is an ordained minister of the Church of England and he is writing for all those other ministers and people who dedicate their lives to helping others and then crack under the strain. The book is deeply religious in its treatment but so much in it resonates for… Read more »
Thank you for sharing Mary – it would be nice to share Paul’s story one day if he is recovered.
Thank you so much Tim for sharing your story…I got alot from it. The main message that resonated with me was the opportunity that lies in changing our habits of thinking and being. I have noticed recently that I am starting to really shift my ideas of a lifetime! Like worrying and ‘doing’ things all the time, now I see the importance of self care and observing. I knew before I got this I needed to make a huge change in my life and sadly maybe I needed to go through this journey to make these important changes! Here’s to… Read more »
Thank You! Another inspirational journey to help hang on to hope!
Thank you Tim and Dan for sharing this. It’s so heartening to hear (from both of you) that you not only recovered, but *stayed* recovered.