Learn How People Recover With The ANS REWIRE Recovery Program
Watch the Free Intro Module to learn the 3 distinctions for recovery from ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and POTS
When you give consent to receive emails by subscribing, we'll send you 4 emails with the lessons and a fifth email with some additional information. After that, we'll keep you updated with an occasional email about the program. You can unsubscribe at any time, here is a link to the ANS REWIRE Privacy Notice.
Lesson 1:
Gaining Perspective

- 2 internal challenges we need to overcome;
- 3 common basis for recovery that simply don't work and should NOT be pursued;
- How an education/training program can be central to what is clearly a severe physical illness.
Lesson 2:
The Explanation

- How the root dysfunction causes all the symptoms of ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia;
- How and why this driving dysfunction establishes itself.
Lesson 3:
Road To Recovery

- How the illness perpetuates;
- The 6 groups of triggers that perpetuate the syndrome;
- The physical triggers that perpetuate the illness;
- The scientific breakthrough that has only been accepted by the medical community in the last decades which paves the way to recovery!
Lesson 4:
Program Details

- The key requirement for change to produce recovery;
- 3 distinctions for recovery;
- Content and information of the ANS REWIRE recovery program.
To have these emailed to you, simply complete the request form below.
When you give consent to receive emails by subscribing, we'll send you 4 emails with the lessons and a fifth email with some additional information. After that, we'll keep you updated with an occasional email about the program. You can unsubscribe at any time, here is a link to the ANS REWIRE Privacy Notice.
(The above request will not subscribe you to our main updates list. For CFS Unravelled Recovery Interview & Insights Updates, subscribe here!)
Start Your Journey By Watching The Introduction Videos Of The ANS REWIRE Recovery Program:
The free introductory module of the program contains 4 lessons in which you learn:
- What is involved in recovery from ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia;
- More about the ANS dysfunction & secondary issues;
- What makes recovery possible and how it happens;
- Details about the ANS REWIRE Recovery Program
Hi, I have not received my intro videos yet. Should I have by now? Thanks, Gina
When you make the request, you immediately get a confirmation request – always check your spam/promotional folders for it.
Upon confirmation, you are taken to the first lesson and the link is also emailed to you.
Hi Dan,
I was wondering if you would be able to offer consultation via phone or Skype. I have already purchased and finished reading your book and am ready to walk the walk , so to speak.
However, I do have very specific questions regarding the recovery process which can be best addressed by direct communication. Even more, I live in part of the world where CFS knowledge and resources are rather scarce.
Thanks for your attention
Hi Darius
Unfortunately I am not available for such consultations.
However, if you have a specific questions – you can post it under one of the lessons where relevant or email me via the ANS REWIRE contact form. (make sure you check out the FAQs first)
Hi Dan, I’ve been feeling not 100% for around 17 months with aches,pains, some fatigue and intermittent flu like symptoms but have continued working and studying ( Early Years Educucation ) The last 10 days or so the fatigue has got dramatically worse and doesn’t seem to be going away. I’ve ordered your book and it should be here tomorrow. Tbh it’s the scariest thing I’ve ever been through. Not just the symptoms which I know are not as bad as some people have but how it will affect my family, ‘What ifs’about if I’d taken this more serioiusly earlier… Read more »
Hi Gareth
It’s really important to make sure that you are thoroughly investigated by your doctor – don’t jump to conclusions and think it is CFS/Fibro!
You may have another conditions that needs to be treated. Also be mindful of not getting sucked into the negativity of the internet.
If you have CFS, there are diagnostic criteria a doctor can use – if your doctor isn’t helpful, get another opinion.
If you do end up having CFS, then I hope the site continues to support you and that you share your story one day. 🙂
Hi Dan, I have thoroughly enjoyed your book and I have implemented several of your recommendations. I have been diagnosed with RA and Epstein-barre which is chronic and reoccurring; which may be the reason I have chronic fatigue but there is a root cause causing these issues. My flares come with working too much, running too many errands, exercising except some gentle yoga or slow walking. However, the curious part is when I play tennis or pickleball (I am here in Florida) I don’t have the fatique that I do with any other activity. I meditate, have done CBT and… Read more »
Hi Robin, It’s important to realise that ‘chronic fatigue’ and ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ are different things and can have different root causes. ME/CFS is about a range of symptoms, not just fatigue. The kind of experience you describe, certainly suggest the possibility of CFS in my view, however you need to be diagnosed by a doctor. Having EBV is common for people with CFS, such viruses can be more active with a depressed immune system resulting from ANS dysfunction. Resolving ANS dysfunction is about more than ‘knowing’ your stress triggers, it’s about retraining the brain to behave normally. So speak… Read more »
Hi Dan, Firstly let me thank you for all your hard work and encouragement you give to CFS sufferers. I have read your wonderful book CFS unraveled and have found it helpful however after 9 years of having cfs and not recovering I am now thinking of enrolling on your ans rewire program. I only hope I have the discipline and energy to complete it and I have a pretty tiring time coming up soon when I’m visiting my sons in London which I know will absolutely cause me to be extremely wrecked afterwards. What I’d like to ask is… Read more »
Hi Julie Well, I appreciate the question and it might raise a few more. Certainly it’s important that you keep going with your efforts, but also recognise that the impact of the trip may vary depending on specifically HOW you engage in it. Certainly I myself built such negative expectations (based on experience), but understanding how and why symptoms worsen during such trips is really important. So on balance, I would say to start the program before you go and to consider how you can best plan your trip to minimise any fallout. After all, if you are in their… Read more »
Hi Dan, I´ve been suffering a lot with fibromialgia. I´m brazilian, and I would like if I can find your book and program in portuguese.
waiting your response,
Hi Juliana,
I am sorry, we only have it available in English at this time.
Hi Dan, want to first thank you for your faithful contribution to providing hope, success and healing to CFS/Fibromyalgia sufferers. Would it be possible to email you some specifics regarding my case? I believe the cause of fibromyalgia for me may be somewhat different, and I’d like to get your opinion on it. I promise I will try to make my story and questions short and brief. Thank you, Debbie
Hi Debbie
Yes, most of us feel we have a ‘different’ experience.
I would suggest that you watch the free intro lessons that will hopefully help you connect your experiences.
You can comment in the lessons or send me an email after that if you wish.
Kind regards,
Hi Dan,
I have CFS and MCS. I’m exploring some of your website and what I’ve seen is very logical so far. I’ve looked at some other programs which also aim to help folks with CFS, etc. before finding your website. I’ve seen that some of them incorporate elements of self-hypnotism and yoga techniques. Does your program use anything like that too?
The program focusses on brain-training and many other strategies. I would not say that it incorporates self-hypnotism and yoga techniques, however it does encourage you to explore this as part of your overall strategy.
Sorry for the late reply – this one snuck under the radar. 🙂
Oka, so how much is the program after the 3 lessons? How does it I’d the body of the cause which is various viruses and other pathogens/microbes?
All the details of the program are on the website including the current cost – see here and here.
When you have listened to the first 3 lessons, you will see that I am asserting that the illness is not caused by various viruses and other pathogens/microbes but that these are comorbid or secondary issues.
Great job Dan! I wanted to ask if the program is doable for me. I have done DNRS and I found great results but I have a problem with stomach gas and belching. DNRS requires a heavy investment of an hour a day and I am just belching continuously and my stomach gets tired and I feel unmotivated to do it, even to do 30 mins 2x per day. But every morning I spend 20 mins doing alternate nostril breathing and 3x a week I do 30 mins of restorative yoga. I feel I need to just calm my entire… Read more »
Hi Shivani,
The program during the training phase takes 30-60 minutes a day plus your daily actions.
These include some fixed things like meditation that take an additional 30-60 minutes, but most of the things are simply incorporated into yoru daily living, rather than requiring a set time to do an exercise (except for meditation mentioned).
The program is there to give you virtual coaching – but for those people that complete it I offer some limited coaching. However, this is focussed on breakthrough work, not ongoing coaching – you need to become self-motivated.
Hope that helps. 🙂
Hi Dan, Your website and programme is one of the most inspiring I’ve found so far in my research. I’ve been diagnosed with PVFS (following a tropical viral disease – Dengue fever) and I’ve had it now for just over a month. Doctors say that it might take several months, but haven’t given me any guidance on how to cope with it in the meantime. I’ve noticed that I do feel a little bit better now, but still far from my normal self (I’m still unable to return to work). I feel like I should start addressing it and that… Read more »
Hi Gloria
With a diagnosis of PVFS, you are welcome to enrol in the program.
But before you do, check out the free intro lessons first to make sure they resonate with you – don’t rush into anything until you are fully committed to seeing it through.
However you recover, I hope to share your story one day. 🙂
Thank you Dan for your reply. I’m actually reading your book now, and finding it extremely useful 🙂
How much is your program?
All the details including the current price are on the website: https://ansrewire.com/enrol
However, BEFORE you enrol, I strongly recommend you watch the 4 intro lessons.
Hello Dan, I have MCS and EHS. Does your programm help with that aswell? I worked with DNRS for a long time. It helped me a lot to shift my mood and with assotiated depression. However it did not change my symptoms. Do you have an additional approach for that?
Hi Lukas
Sorry for the late reply – your message went under the radar!
I don’t have specific lessons for EHS, but have one for MCS.
My view is that these sensitivities resolve as you recover from the syndrome – so that is the focus as opposed to trying to resolve the specific symptom or trigger.
my boyfriend he got sick for 3 years now i would like to know about your program and i need advice from you please contact me back.
It’s important that your boyfriend check things out.
Please DON’T buy the program for him – that would be a waste.
He needs to look at it and make the decision to do it himself! He can request the lessons on this page!
Hi Dan, is there a place to sign up for blog and newsletter notifications on you website? I know it’s probably staring me right in the face and I can’t see it. Thanks 🙂
It’s in the ‘freebies’ tab. 🙂
Is this applicable to myofascial pain syndrome as well? I have severe pain in low back, hips and legs with trigger points since 5 years.
Hi Aas
I am not certain if myofacial pain syndrome is along the same spectrum as CFS/Fibromyalgia/POTS, but suspect that it probably is.
Not aware of anyone enrolled in the program with that diagnosis, so no recovery testimonials to offer you!
Sorry not to give you a more definitive answer.
Yes Dan, you are probably correct in believing that myofacial pain syndrome is on the same spectrum as CFS/ Fibromyalgia. I’ve had about a dozen treatments which helped me a lot. At this point my Fibro seems to have changed into CFS. I attribute this to the myofacial treatments and an improved diet. However, I have not been diagnosed with Myofacial pain syndrome.
Yes, I see these all as one illness with one cause – but simply a change in symptoms and dysfunctions.
Hey Dan,
I’m french and I discovered your program thanks to a french YouTuber who speaks about ME/CFS. I personally have HUGE cognitive problems (memory loss, focus problems), sleep troubles (I work to decrease it of course!) and all of it came with anxiety and POTS. Do you think this program is appropriate for me? And of course I’m going to see your videos!! 🙂 Thank you so much for creating all those information about CFS!
Hi Laura,
The program is designed for people experiencing ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS and related syndromes.
Cognitive issues are quite normal (and frustrating of course).
The key for you is to see if you can understand the 4 free intro lessons and engage with those. If that works for you and the language is not a barrier, then it would be appropriate for you to enrol in the online program.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
Hi Dan, before I request the introductory videos. Do you work online since I live in Ireland?
The program is delivered online only.
Hi Dan, I think your explanation that the ANS becomes dysfunctional because the personal stress limit or capacity is exceeded sounds very reasonable. However, I wonder if the explanation couldn’t be slightly different. Let’s assume a healthy person has a max stress capacity of 100. Let’s further assume that a person with a lot of chronic stress in their life will usually lie around 75, and that 80 constitutes the threshold for a burnout, which serves as a ‘safety barrier’. Then, infectious disease, vaccination or injury happens, the nervous system gets affected and becomes weakened, and a sudden drop of… Read more »
Hi Carina,
You are describing my explanation for the cause of this group of illnesses.
I think the word ‘stress’ is sometimes misunderstood to be something mental or psychological in nature.
So yes, stress builds to an unsustainable level, stress resilience drops and hence stress increases and we have a cycle of dysfunction.