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Learn To Cope & Discover Hope!
Discover Hope is a small e-Book written by Dan because he realised that before you can even consider recovery from ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia, you need to be able to cope with this illness and actually have hope for recovery. Because without hope, you will never take the action required for you to get better. This book is written in a concise manner to help uplift you or help you change your mindset if you are feeling down. And at around 55 pages, its readable even for those suffering with brain fog.
What You'll Learn in this e-Book
- The 8 steps to move from being hopeless to being hopeful
- The 9 steps to cope with the stress of having the illness
The 8 steps to change your negative thoughts and feelings resulting from feeling unwell
- The 4 steps to deal with the financial pressures resulting of the illness
- The 5 steps to prepare for your journey of recovery