Published on July 25, 2024 by Dan Neuffer
Last updated on September 9, 2024 by Dan Neuffer



00:00 - Meet Recovery Pioneer Dan Neuffer
01:24 - Why People Plateau On Their Recovery
03:46 - Why Studying Failure Is the Key
04:01 - The Philosophy of ANS Rewire
05:48 - The Layered Approach to Recovery
06:15 - The FIRST Layer
06:57 - The SECOND Layer
10:38 - The THIRD Layer
12:43 - Why Support and Coaching is a Must Have
14:21 - Addressing Life Stressors
23:36 - The Role of Trauma and Stress
25:24 - The ANS Rewire Program Structure
28:00 - More Helpful Resources from Dan

In this interview with Raelan Agle on her YouTube Channel, Dan discusses a critical topic: why some individuals experience a plateau in their recovery from ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia or POTS and how to effectively overcome it.

We discuss the real reasons behind recovery plateaus and Dan offers actionable advice to help you continue your healing journey. Whether you're just starting out or have been on the path for a while, this video is packed with crucial information to support your progress.

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Click on these links to learn more about Dan's book CFS Unravelled and his ANS REWIRE recovery program.

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Deborah Jenkins

Another interview that had me in tears; grief, hope, laughter!
Thank you both. I needed this today.

Dan Neuffer

👍 Glad you were supported by it.


Brought me back on track. Thank you again. Actually, you are talking about the obvious and that’s exactly why it’s so important to talk about it again and again. I know all this and I’m still doing it wrong. It’s the way how we approach life what keeps us on our plateaus. And if you approach recovery in the same way you approached life before you will never recover. Recovery is nothing less then becoming a different person. That’s hard. So hard. It’s engraved into us and here we are back at rewiring…

Dan Neuffer

Knowing what the issue is, is half the battle.

Remember, we don’t need to be “perfect” – we just need a reasonable way of engaging with life.

We need to pass the “would this be OK for my child” test.

Gina Salter

This was a wonderful video and has given me hope again. Making me realise that I can get better and not to give up is just what I needed to hear so thank you so much. I am one of those who has had CFS for 12 years and have plateaued at around 85% well. I can live almost a normal life sometimes and other times not. I have followed Dan’s ANS Rewire programme and it was excellent as I did get a lot better, and then my Mum was very ill and I didn’t take as much care of… Read more »

Dan Neuffer

You’re welcome Gina.

Yes life gets in the way of recovering sometimes – glad to hear you are refocussing on your objectives. 👍

Lesley La Hay

Just what I needed to hear..I am tearful for the relief of being understood and …of course for the guidance to adjust …and recover.

Dan Neuffer



Thank you, Dan for your kind and helpful words! I got severe after having Covid and I really made self-care a priority and it worked really well. But now I’m at the 60-70% level where I’d been for years and it’s so difficult to change these patterns you are talking about. I don’tknow where to get help at this point. I’ve done programs and I know the theory and the tools. But where and how do I learn “militant self-care”? I feel I’m doing baby steps and it takes ages. But also like my nervoussystem will not let me get… Read more »

Dan Neuffer

Hi Anna, Many people in the program have such challenges. That is why we have so much education, to help people understand why these things are happening and to reach out to new resources. (“if you always do what you’ve always done…..”) The ‘militant self-care’ really comes from a point of having had enough, drawing a line in the sand. It’s important to recognise that it is not about being super vigilant, just super strong in make the right decisions for ourselves especially when it involves others including dependants. Ask yourself – WHY have you had the difficulties? What would… Read more »


Loved this interview Dan, thank-you!! I have been struggling with CFS/ME for 34 yrs now. Then relapsed in 2016 from changing protocols and some emotional trauma. Also found out I have toxic mold illness, and now dealing with Covid long haul and severe PEM. 1) From your experience with sufferers, what % are also dealing with CIRS (toxic mold) as part of their ANS dysregulation? Do you discuss this issue in your ANS rewire program? 2) Do you teach patients how to heal from Dysautonomia, PEM etc in your program? 3) Is Functional Neurological Disorder the same thing as CFS/ME… Read more »

Dan Neuffer

Glad it supported you. 1.) we touch on removing exposures to toxins like mould – I don’t know what % this is an issue for. We discuss removing the trigger, but not extensive treatments for the exposure because the premise of the program is that normalising ANS function restores health. You might find this recovery story helpful as it talks about mould exposure at some detail 2.) Yes, the program is all about recovering from ANS dysfunction – PEM is just one of many many symptoms – we don’t address symptoms directly because symptom treatment has limited benefit 3.) Yes… Read more »


Thank-you kindly for your answers Dan Neuffer and for the recovery story linked here. I will def check it out. I do have CIRS from mycotoxins, NeuroQuant Brain MRI showing some atrophy and inflammation as well. I am also colonized with mold (including stachy-black mold). I believe I have alot of central nervous system sensitization going on, and histamine intolerance from having mcas from Bartonella. I am dealing with Mycoplasma infection, impacting me neurologically, possibly from contaminated vaccines in 1988. 1) Can ANS rewire help to calm the sensitized nerves, or does one really need some kind of pharmaceutical intervention… Read more »

Dan Neuffer

Hi Lisa,

1.) People have been recovering with and without additional help from their doctor – so yes, they have calmed their nervous system without medication
2.) Yes we continue to evolve the program
3.) Coaching is additional currently at AU$139 per hour session, however the program includes virtual coaching component as well as the comment section Q and Q
4.) Make sure you watch the 4 lessons and consider whether you will commit to doing the program before enrolling

Good luck Lisa

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