Looking for Help for Fibromyalgia - Sue Ingebretson's Fibromyalgia Recovery
“The clouds parted, the sun shone …..”
After years of looking for Help For Fibromyalgia, a shocking realisation started her Fibromyaliga Recovery:
How rude of me!
Sue tells me about the moment Sue’s world came tumbling down, her breaking point, and I started to laugh.
Perhaps only someone who has experienced ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia can understand the crazy moments we experience with this illness and health care providers when we look for help for fibromyalgia.
In this interview Sue Ingebretson shares how she worked out she had Fibromyalgia and how she recovered after 15 years of illness.
“I always thought somebody else would create the solution for me!”
Here are some interesting parts to look out for:
- Sue’s journey of looking for help for fibromyalgia;
- the systematic approach to Sue’s symptom investigation;
- how Sue came to feel empowered;
- the questions that Sue asked herself to move forward;
- Key attitudes that helped Sue make her Fibromyaliga breakthrough;
- Sue’s progression of strategies.
To find out more about Sue’s Journey, her books and her offer to others for help for Fibromyalgia see here:
Sue writes extensively about the benefits of a fibromyalgia coach and is an avid blogger with many fibromyalgia articles.
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Great interview! Diet and daily exercise have definitely kept me the best I can be–but it did not prevent the illness from becoming progressive neuro. It is so interesting how this works for some but not others. You should interivew Annie Hopper (MCS, FMS) and Candy (CFS) from Dynamic Neural Retraining or some who have recovered from fibro/cfs using this approach.
THanks for the comment Selma. As I discuss in CFS Unravelled, everyone has a different set of stressors/anchors. That’s why you need to tailor your approach. However, diet is critical to everyone and only few people seemt to recover without addressing this. The video explanation hopefully gives you some insight into why this happens, but it’s basically a blood sugar regulation problem that triggers the ANS. Also, people need the nutrients to rebuild and heal. Thanks for the tip about other people that recovered! 🙂
Thank you Dan. Very grateful to hear another recovery story.
Moose aka Benn
Many thanks for the inspirational conversation, it was like listening to a version of me on a good day lol! You followed us on twitter ‘Creative Lives D&H and introduced me to this wonderful site of yours that is full of positive messages, it’s such a great thing to be able to read and listen to things that are encouraging as previously I have avoided everything due to the amount of pessimistic information that I didn’t want to expose myself to for too long! Great stuff, thanks again and I will come back often to remind myself what is possible… Read more »
Hi Donna,
Glad you enjoyed the positive messages of CFS Unravelled. I wanted to make sure that there is a postiive place for people with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, where they can focuson recovery.
Make sure you learn the content in the video explanation to kick start your recovery.
Hope to share your story one day!
Dan 🙂
Very inspiring. I too am an avid researcher but one of the problems is that there’s a lot of conflicting information out there. I’m confused about exercise. I know that even on my worst day if I force myself to move around I always feel better.However. I’ve been reading that exercise is no longer indicated for CFS. FM, yes. So it feels like a catch 22. I am referring here to exercise, not daily movement.
Totally understand Lynn.
Exercise is helpful IF engaged in the correct way. The thing to avoid is ‘pushing’ yourself beyond what you can do. So linear increments to recondition yourself can be fraught with danger regardless of how slowly you proceed. I explain in some detail why this is in CFS Unravelled and in ANS REWIRE.