"So what is your biggest challenge right now?  Please use the comment form below to let me know!"

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My family doesn’t understand why I can’t just push through on bad days, and it makes me feel guilty for needing rest.


Hey Dan

Resting feels like wasting time, but pushing through makes everything worse. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t!!!



I’ve lost all motivation for recovering, I just don’t have the energy for it.


When I have a flare-up, I completely lose it! I am so over this ****[[edited]] – I try to stay calm but after so many years it just gets to me.


It looks like my wife and I are going to split – no relationship can sustain this. She doesn’t want to talk about anything.


I feel so guilty about not doing things with my kids because I never feel well enough.


I’m starting to go a bit, very gently. I’m bumping into people I haven’t seen for 6 years. What do I say when they ask how I am? or where I have been? ‘Haven’t seen you for ages’ they say, maybe I don’t need to say anything?


My biggest challenge is that I’ve found structural things going on with me (csf leak, IJVS) in addition to my dysautonomia. I still think doing the program can help in some ways, but not with the leak and a smushed internal jugular vein! Right now, I feel a bit defeated. But, I trust I’ll get back up.


I did ANS Rewire in 2021. The course encouraged me to look into Lyme and mold. After being misdiagnosed with fibro/cfs for about a decade, I finally got some answers. Turned out that I was indeed dealing with Lyme and mold. It took a couple of years to tackle these issues, but I am now in remission from Lyme. I am pain-free, I wake up rested and refreshed, and I have energy to make it through the day. My challenge is building a social network after I have been so isolated due to illness. It’s like I forgot how to… Read more »


My biggest challenge right now is learning to walk again after a bad fall broke my right knee and left shoulder 4 months ago. I deal with daily pain, and much of my time is focused on physical therapy and various exercises. However, even with this challenge I feel more motivated and focused than ever on ans-rewire. I see how the program can only help with my physical healing from the fall as well as healing from the psychological trauma caused by the fall. (And I look forward to listening to the episode about working with pain.) It may take… Read more »


Hi Dan, nice to hear from you. You sure have come I long way since I met you in the early 2000’s in my early days of FMS/CFS. Congratulations on the success of your blog, well done. I was diagnosed with a new problem about three years ago Kryptopyroluria aka Pyrolle’s Disorder which I am still learning how to live with. Diet is my main problem, it is a genetic disorder of the liver wherein the liver doesn’t recognize zinc and spits it out, causing excess copper in the body – controlled by diet and zinc supplement. Still trying to… Read more »

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