Published on April 19, 2023 by Dan Neuffer
Last updated on April 19, 2023 by Dan Neuffer


Rachel tells how she went into fibromyalgia remission

Julia shares her Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Recovery story after 22 years of illness.

This interview is in 2 parts and goes into diet for MCS in part 1 and brain training for MCS recovery using ANS REWIRE in part 2 of the interview.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Julia’s Recovery Success Story & Deep Dive into MCS Diet Part 1

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Julia’s Brain Training Treatment Recovery Success - Part 2


For Part 1:

Introduction to Julia's Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recovery Story0:00:00
Medical Disclaimer0:02:15
How Julia's MCS has been there most of her life since childhood0:02:56
Julia MCS symptoms from childhood - labelled psychosomatic0:04:45
Following respite, Julia worsened when travelling across the world0:08:44
After decades of illness, Julia makes the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Connection0:10:49
A list of diagnoses and treatments for chronic illness0:11:43
Julia explores the psychosomatic clinic for MCS0:15:25
Dan & Julia explore a traumatic history & head injury0:16:39
Julia's worsening at age 29 - finally a diagnosis of MCS0:18:49
What Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS) feels like0:21:22
The gut symptoms Julia experienced with MCS0:22:52
The chemical triggers that Julia experienced with MCS0:23:12
Julia's shocking outlook - Healing from MCS or Death0:26:20
Julia's Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) medical advice0:27:25
Julia's Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) turning point0:27:54
How Julia resolved her IBS gut issues0:32:57
Mould difficulties whilst homeless0:36:27
Julia's shift with ANS REWIRE - Psychological vs Neurological - The Diet Connection0:37:48
Deep Dive into Julia's diet for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) 0:43:08
Julia talks Brain Training and Chemical Exposure for MCS0:55:27

For Part 2:

Introduction to Julia's brain training for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Recovery 0:00:00
Medical Disclaimer0:02:25
Julia talks Brain Training and Chemical Exposure for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)0:03:10
Deep dive into brain training for Multiple Chemical Sensitvities (MCS)0:03:55
Detailing how Julia approached exposure therapy Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)0:08:10
Julia talks about being convinced and having goals0:11:11
Dabbling vs mastering our recovery approach - understanding motivation0:11:51
How to do Exposure Retraining for Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)0:19:02
How Julia dealt with breakdowns and setbacks0:23:56
How long it took for Julia to recover from MCS & how she stayed the course0:33:14
How did Julia increase her activity with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS)?0:40:41
Why Julia held of going public about her Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS) recovery0:42:20
Julia's unique Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) recovery meditations0:42:59
Julia talks about the unique ANS REWIRE approach0:44:25
Dan asks Julia about addressing trauma during Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) recovery0:45:52
Final advice to people with MCS0:49:13
Life after Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS)0:50:10


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For the full transcript, visit the Episode 18 for part 1 and Episode 19 for part 2. 

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