After so many years of illness with IBS, Rachel suddenly developed Fibromyalgia following an accident.She talks about the emotional pain surrounding her choices of that day and how she turned around her 3.5 year journey with the illness to go into fibromyalgia remission within 18 months.Timestamps: Introduction0:00:00Podcast Disclaimer0:01:08How Rachel's fibromyalgia started0:01:52What did Fibromyalgia diagnosis mean to Rachel0:05:35What the fibromyalgia pain was like for Rachel0:08:54Rachel's other fibromyalgia chronic illness symptoms0:09:43How fibromyalgia affected Rachel's work0:13:11The lead up to Rachel's Fibromyalgia onset0:15:03Rachel's outlook for life with Fibromyalgia0:17:30How Rachel's fibromyalgia remission started0:18:41How long did Rachel take to go into full remission from Fibromyalgia0:25:12The rollercoaster of lifestyle changes 0:27:44How long until significant changes showed up for Rachel0:28:00How Rachel's remission efforts expanded0:29:43Finding the missing key for her recovery0:31:54Rachel talks about stress impacting Fibromyalgia0:33:14Was Rachel destined to get Fibromyalgia?0:34:21Rachel's experience with yoga and meditation0:36:22The benefits of CBT for Rachel0:38:29Rachel gets diagnosed as being in remission - not cured0:41:50Rachel answers "is Fibromyalgia a bad thing"0:45:24Rachel talks about her engagement with life & impact on Fibromyalgia0:49:13Dan digs into the impact of the choices and how we engage with life with Rachel 0:51:24Rachel talks about faith, hope and belief during her fibromyalgia remission efforts0:55:48What was IT that helped Rachel to go into remission and stay well0:59:20What does remission really mean for Rachel?1:00:34Dan asks Rachel about the identity of 'having fibromyalgia'1:07:44Rachel's advice to others still experiencing fibromyalgia1:09:48Links: Visit the podcast page for details on following Rachel on Instagram.Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page!Transcript: For the full transcript, visit the podcast page.