Chronic Lyme Disease Recovery Stories:
Patient Chronic Lyme Stories with a difference!
People infected with Lyme disease are usually treated with antibiotics, but not everyone responds positively and recovers from the Lyme infection. This gives rise to the controversial topic of Chronic Lyme disease, an illness that many people don't even believe exists but that countless people around the world say they are experiencing. But where are the chronic Lyme recovery stories?
You may notice that people with 'chronic Lyme' are often diagnosed with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS or even MCS. I wrote about the connection between chronic Lyme disease and ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia some time ago which I think is important to understand.
When you listen to how people recover from chronic Lyme disease in these chronic lyme disease recovery stories below, you may be surprised that sometimes people don't even address the actual bacterial infection. In fact Kiki's story is particular interesting given her test results after she recovered, so check that out.
You will find that there is no single magic cure for chronic Lyme disease, but similar patterns quickly appear in these chronic Lyme recovery stories.
If you know someone who has recovered from chronic Lyme disease, please ask them to contact me to share their story or if you yourself have recovered from chronic Lyme disease please contact me directly here.
Besides chronic LYme recovery stories, I also share stories of recovery from Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, POTS and MCS and other similar syndromes. You can see the full list of recovery interviews and recovery stories.
Best wishes,
Please note that the people sharing their stories here have gone through their own journey of recovery from PVFS independently from the author of this website and related content. They are simply offer the experience of their PVFS recovery story and are not responsible for, nor are they endorsing the content on this website or other related products. Similarly, we do not take responsibility for the content on their respective sites or products and make no implied endorsement.

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