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Show Notes

Dr Jacob Teitelbaum is one of the world's leading ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and POTS physicians and shares his experience and insights in this episode of the Wisdom from the Other Side Podcast.

Dan & Dr Teitelbaum discuss their common ground on the pathogenesis of the illness, treatment approaches and delve into specifics around stubborn difficulties with sleep, hormonal cycles and much more.


Podcast Disclaimer0:04:20
Starting the discussion; how the health care system works - no proof does not mean no evidence0:04:38
Dr Teitelbaum's personal experience with CFS0:08:21
Dr Teitelbaum's latest research into Polypetide porcine syrum for CFS/Fibromyalgia.0:09:41
What about restoring sleep for stubborn CFS/Fibromyalgia cases?0:13:20
How to approach medications and supplements safely.0:18:57
Why do ladies experience CFS/Fibromyalgia flare-up around their monthly cycle?0:20:21
Are blood tests or saliva tests are better for testing hormones?0:24:37
Dr T talks about Thyroid hormone and the reliability of tests.0:25:55
Dan reflects on people with CFS/FMS that have benefit from thyroid hormone0:27:36
Dan asks about guidance on female hormone supplementation and supplementing with other hormones like DHEA and pregnenelone.0:28:07
Dan asks about PCOS in relation to CFS/Fibromyalgia.0:30:05
Dan asks if people recover from Hashimoto's.0:31:18
Dan asks about pregnancy triggering fibromyalgia flare-ups and recoveries.0:33:03
Dan asks about orthostatic intolerance and POTS and the use of salt vs potassium.0:36:50
Dan asks about infections & going down CFS/Fibro treatment rabbit holes.0:42:00
Dan asks again about having evidence for pathogens and infections.0:46:40
Dan talks about the 'circuit breaker' - ANS dysfunction causing ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia/POTS0:54:31
Dan & Jacob discuss the 'right approach' for recovery from ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia/POTS & ANS dysfunction being central - the value of a multi-lateral approach.0:55:49
Dan raises the issue of the PTSD in relation to ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia.1:02:00
Dan asks how Dr Jacob Teitelbaum's beliefs have changed based on experience.1:04:29
Dan asks Dr Teitelbaum about people who ask "am I different - can I recover from CFS & Fibromyalgia?"1:09:01
Dan asks Dr Teitelbaum if he found that  people can't recover and then they try again and succeed.1:11:55
Dr Jacob Teitelbaum shares his closing advice about recovery from ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia.1:13:21


Dr Jacob Teitelbaum has released the fourth edition of his book "From Fatigue to Fantastic" - it's the blue edition, check it out in all good bookstores including

Dr Jacob Teitelbaum's website:

1.Teitelbaum J, Morello G, Goudie S. Nutritional Intervention in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) A Unique Porcine Serum Polypeptide Nutritional Supplement. The Open Pain Journal. 2020;13(1). Accessed July 2, 2021.


Other Resources

Paperback & eBook

CFS Unravelled is the book that started it all, outlining the explanation for the pathogenesis of ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS and related syndromes and explaining how recovery is possible.

Learn more HERE.

All my email subscribers receive additional FREE resources like my book Discover Hope.  So consider subscribing and reading the book to rediscover hope.

Discover Hope Bookcover

To learn how other people recover, listen to the recovery interviews!

sunset background with words Fibromyalgia recovery stories
sunset background with words ME/CFS recovery stories
sunset background with words POTS recovery stories
sunset background with words MCS recovery stories

If you would like to learn more about the ANS REWIRE program, check out the 4 free intro lessons or visit the ANS REWIRE website.

Check out some other recent episodes

Episode 20: Snippet – How resilient can recoveries be after ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS, PVFS (or long-covid)?
Episode 13: Snippet – Should you change program, coach or practitioner to help you recover from CFS/Fibromyalgia/POTS/MCS?
Episode 7: Top Scientist shares Chronic Pain Insights & discovery of New Effective Fibromyalgia Treatment
Episode 1: How to cope and deal with the injustice of invisible illness including chronic illness like Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, POTS and MCS

You can see the full list of episodes HERE.

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Hello beautiful community! Thank you so much Dan and Dr T for making this awesome interview. I have a question about the super sensitive people that cannot take supplements. I for example was able to take ANY supplements until I stop tolerating them by the end of 2019. Multivitamins, vitamin d, b complex you name it. They all make me weak exhausted and I end up crashing the same day. I get a weird reaction like my breathing start becoming shallow then extreme fatigue kicks and all my muscles just run out of energy to function. It seems like anything… Read more »

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Very common in CFS/FMS and have devoted a long chapter on this called Sensitive to Everything?” in my new blue cover edition of the book From Fatigued to Fantastic. Adrenal fatigue needs to be addressed along with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Mold toxins. I often begin people who have this severely on brain-training programs like ANS REWIRE.


So far so good on the ANS program, however I have 2 rather strange symptoms that have persisted throughout my CFS journey that I still dont know if is part of this illness or not. Vivid dreams for almost the entire evening, and a nocturnal priapism that occurs along with the dreams. MRI’s, Doppler scans, blood tests have shown no obvious cause of the priapism. Its only occurring during sleep so must be linked to the vivid dreams I assume. Its making restful sleep a real challenge and hindering my recovery progress, so I’d love to find a solution to… Read more »

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

I would begin by making sure the vivid dreams are not caused by low blood sugar/low adrenal

Martin Schwesinger

Dr. Teitelbaum: You said something about the moments when the CFS gets better, that it can give you insight into what is causing it. My CFS always disappears for 1-2 days after I have the flu/cold or something similar. First I feel terrible like you would expect from someone having the flu, then when the flu is over, there is a short period of time where I am completely CFS-symptom free. Does this give any clues to the cause of the CFS?

Not uncommon. Suggests immune dysfunction is key, and would lead me to explore underlying infections (esp viral and antibiotic sensitive)


Thank you so very much for sharing this interview with Dr Teitelbaum. I have seen him before but just live this inspirational interview. The very end about making sure to not fall into the same things that got us sick in the first place made a huge impact on me. I had been doing quite well and passed through the last two years with a great deal of stress and have felt that I’ve relapsed in the past few months. It helps tremendously to hear this interview and the hope it brings. Thank you so very much!!!!!

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

So glad it was helpful Stephanie! This is a VERY treatable illness;-)


Dr Teitelbaum, what is your opinion for people with CFS + fibromyalgia+ PTSD. Should they get the Covid’s vaccine?

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

There is no “one size fits all” answer here. People have strong feelings both ways which impact the decision as well. I begin with “which choice feels best to you?” Then tailor the options from there

Mary M Bungert

Is it a particular Covid vaccination that some people have seen some positive results from? Symptoms getting better? Which vaccination. If I decide to get one?

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Not really. Seen with all 3 . Except in women of childbearing age (where I do not recommend the Johnson & Johnson), i otherwise prefer the J&J (and this is what I received myself)

Misty Tucket

Dr. T, What do you know about the fm/a test and proposed treatment? Do you think this will help?

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

The TB Vaccine HArvard study is promising, but we won’t know for 3 years. Need the test to get into the study. Otherwise, I see little benefit to the test vs doing the free quiz at

maryann nielsen

Hello Dr.. I’ve been battling CFS for over two years and have been following your recommended supplement regime. Unfortunately I have not experienced any improvements . According to you it could take up to (3) months. My symptoms include overwhelming fatigue. brain fog, and some pain I’m not functioning normally.  I’m taking the following supplements daily:
Energy Revitalization
D Ribose 2x daily
Smart Energy
Curamin (have ordered Curamed)

Ive taken  naltrexone and abilify in the past and it presented no improvements. 

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Best to do a thorough assessment to tailor options to your case. I do treat people worldwide (can email Sarah at for info. The free quiz at can give you a good idea on where your key issues are

Bob Rose

Dr. T,
Do you have any concern about iron overload with men who would like to take Recovery Factors? Eight tabs would equal about 9 mg of iron daily. I am an RN who ran a natural health practice for 16 years and assessed iron and ferritin levels in everyone. Many male and a few female clients had iron overload. I’m hesitant to recommend additional iron for most men.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

This is about the same amount of iron as in a hamburger, so not overly concerned unless their iron tests are elevated. And I agree. I check ferritin for both high and low iron screening in my CFS population

Tonja Jones

Dr. T, what are your thoughts on a lectin free diet for Fibromyalgia and CFS? I appreciate your work!

Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Don’t know. Not familiar with that. And you’re welcome!;-)

Sharon Swaffield

Thank you Dr. Teitelbaum and Dan for an uplifting and informative podcast!

My pleasure!;-)


I suffered with CFS/Fibro since 2012. I had crash after crash and pain. I was forced into early retirement because I exhausted my sick leave after 4 years from diagnosis. Which indicates how much I had accumulated throughout my teaching career. I loved my job. In 2017 I attended an 18 day medical program that embraces whole food, plant based diet and I got my life back. I haven’t had a big crash since. Crashes would last anywhere from weeks to months before. Now, if I over exert myself, I get fatigue for a day, maybe 2. And, even then,… Read more »


Interesting information Dan. Are you aware of a cheaper alternative to Recovery Factors or know of something similar that costs less? I was thinking about trying out a collagen peptide supplement.
The mention of peptides piqued my interest as the medicine that has helped me the most over the past 28 years is kambo frog medicine; which is full of peptides. Unfortunately the process is hard to do.
Do you do 1 on 1 consultations? I simply don’t have the focus to follow a series of videos or even read an entire book.

Jeannine Moore

I would be interested in an answer to this as well.
Recovery Factors sounds promising, so naturally, I would love to try it,
However, I’m not financially able to do this supplement – due to the expense.
The shipping cost put it over the top for me – I live in Hawaii.
So an alternative supplement to RF would be mighty nice.

BTW … Excellent interview. Appreciate you both.

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