MECFS, POTS & Fibromyalgia Advocacy and Memes
Life with chronic illness is difficult enough without people being insensitive or simply showing no understanding or acceptance, especially if you are experiencing ME/CFS, POTS, Fibromyalgia or a similar condition.
So advocacy for people to showcase the plight, the difficulties and educate others that the illness is absolutely real and not imagined.
Advocacy Posters
To get involved in MECFS, POTS & Fibromyalgia Advocacy, you can share daily posters and memes on social media if you follow me here:

Advocacy Blogs and Videos
One of the biggest issues around MECFS, POTS & Fibromyalgia Advocacy is that the illness is often called the 'invisible illness' because the symptoms aren't always apparent.
So here are some of my blogs that are particularly relevant to symptoms and patient advocacy that I hope you enjoy.
Patient Stories
Perhaps few things resonate as much as people as hearing someone else's story with the illness. All the recovery stories and interviews have people explain their symptoms and how difficult it is to live with the illness, as well as the hurt they experience with others who don't believe them.