POTS Recovery Stories:
Patient POTS Stories with a difference!
Experience an chronic disease like POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) can be tough to deal with, so often patients seek POTS stories to see what it is is like for others living with POTS. Unfortunately there are not enough POTS recovery stories on the internet.
This site shares POTS stories that specifically focus not just on what it is like to live with POTS, but it focusses on how people discovered their POTS recovery strategy or 'cure'.
So every POTS story here, is in fact a POTS recovery story and every story is different.
When I was sick, one of the most upsetting things was not hearing other people recover from POTS, so I believed it wasn't possible. (because we all know there isn't a one fits all cure for POTS!) Hence one of the things I really wanted to do was collect and share POTS Recovery Stories to give hope to people still suffering with this illness.
If you know someone who has recovered from POTS, please ask them to contact me to share their story or if you yourself have recovered from POTS, please contact me directly here.
Besides POTS recovery stories, I also share stories of recovery from Fibromyalgia, PVFS, ME/CFS, MCS and other similar syndromes. You can see the full list of recovery interviews and recovery stories.
Best wishes,
Please note that the people sharing their stories here have gone through their own journey of recovery from POTS independently from the author of this website and related content. They are simply offer the experience of their POTS recovery story and are not responsible for, nor are they endorsing the content on this website or other related products. Similarly, we do not take responsibility for the content on their respective sites or products and make no implied endorsement.

Here are some social media images for sharing:

Living with pots an fatigue has just destroyed my life, ran out of money trying to get better everything from expensive vitamin protocols, acupressure, acupuncture, chiropractor visits, private blood tests, reiki, private functional doctor, Chinese’s herbalist, deep tissue massages, the list goes on 🙁 feeling like I will never make it through this, but yet a teeny slither of hope inside pushing me on. This is a rollercoaster ride I didn’t ask to get on and just want to get off 🙁 I found you by accident, on YouTube, I was looking for a binaural best 3am in the morning… Read more »
Hi Kerryanne
Goodness, I think most of us experience that frustrating rollercoaster!
Glad you found the site and hope – no magic cures, but recovery is possible. The key is focussing on the cause of all this instead of the symptoms. Hopefully you have seen these intro videos: https://cfsunravelled.com/1-the-root-cause-of-mecfs-fibromyalgia-pots/