Support During Crisis
What is it?
With the onset of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis, I have started a new separate video blog (VLOG) to support all people in the chronic illness community, but especially those people that are experiencing ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS and related conditions.
What concerns or questions do you have?
What concerns you during this crisis?
What are your biggest challenges right now?
What questions do you have about coping with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and POTS and about your recovery efforts during these challenging times?
Check out the list of videos below and then leave your comment at the bottom of this page with any additional topics you would like me to address!
How can I get notified of new videos?
Below is a growing list of links to these videos. To be notified of new videos, simply follow me on Facebook or Instagram or ideally subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
List of Video Blogs for people experiencing chronic illness seeking to cope better with the crisis:

Repressing or Expressing Emotions?
Dealing with emotional stress can lead to a range of approaches, but are you expressing, repressing or transcending the emotions?

Should you put recovery on hold during difficult times?
Everyone experiences challenging times, but does that mean you should put your recovery on hold?

Are Chronically Ill People Better Or Worse Prepared?
As a chronically ill person, you probably feel more vulnerable, but are you better prepared?

How will you Experience a Crisis
It’s not just about how you cope and the outcome of a crisis, but also about HOW you experience it.

Your most important resource in a crisis
In a time of crisis there is much to do and think about. But it’s easy to forget to focus on looking after your biggest resource.
I am beyond grateful for the tools the Ansrewire program gave me to help me to cope through this pandemic.
I have learned that my mind and mental state make all the difference in what physical symptoms follow.
While I am still progressing through my recovery I would encourage anyone to enroll in the program for coping techniques during this national crisis.
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I’m living in the same household as an NHS worker who used to work on a trauma ward (they’re NOT part of the medical team) but this ward has now been taken over by a dozen Covid-19 patients some of who have died. I’m now very close to the illness.
We’re as careful as we can be with hygiene and I’m taking supplements like magnesium chloride and ascorbic acid and the odd Vit-D3/Zinc tablet. I’m not thinking about it too much but have you got any other suggestions I could do ?
Hi Darryl,
The obvious choice is to explore the possibility of segregated living.
Many health care workers around the world seperated from their families to live in seperate quarters without shared facilities or even in a seperate place all together.
So living with other family or friends where possible.
Hope that helps.