Show Notes

It's one thing seeing interviews with people that recovered, and another thing seeing them tell their stories in real-time. In this interview, Shannon tells how she recovered from fibromyalgia, ME/CFS and POTS after 7 years of illness. Her 2½ year journey was bumpy, with her actually worsening before she got better. This interview captures her journey, and when you check out the show notes you will see a collection of her video journals below that captured her story which makes for a fascinating watch.  


Introduction - What If recovery isn't going well 0:00:00
Podcast Disclaimer0:01:51
Meeting Shannon0:02:33
Shannon's experience with getting diagnosed and prognosis for Fibromyalgia0:03:37
Medical emergency that led to onset of fibromyalgia0:05:57
We explore the year leading to the onset of the illness0:09:03
Shannon talks about her experience with depression pre illness0:10:52
Shannon discusses her early emotional experience with Fibromyalgia0:13:15
Shannon talks about being bedbound and the idea of 'pushing' through to recovery0:16:09
Shannon tells of positive strategies that helped but didn't lead to recovery0:17:25
Shannon's symptoms and experience of Fibromyalgia & when she thought she may not survive0:19:02
How Shannon's family and friends reacted to her illness0:22:58
Illness frustration and onset of POTS and illness worsening & connection to PTSD0:24:03
How ANS REWIRE supported her when he condition suddenly worsened 0:29:41
Dan talks about dark times in Fibromyalgia, CFS and POTS0:31:37
Shannon talks about how she used brain-training strategies for anxiety0:32:59
Shannon talks about how her CFS Fibro POTS recovery evolved with ANS REWIRE0:35:27
We talk about belief in whether we can recover and the video diary that Shannon shares0:37:37
Dan and Shannon talk about the lessons of ANS REWIRE on how Shannon applied them0:40:17
Shannon talks about what allowed her to persist to recover0:45:05
We discuss the experience of brain fog and how Shannon re-engaged mentally as she recovered0:47:14
What Shannon thinks is the most important thing for CFS/POTS/Fibromyalgia Recovery0:50:11
Dan talks about the importance of tailoring our approach for recovery0:50:55
Shannon's life after recovering from Fibromyalgia CFS & POTS0:52:17

Shannon's Video Journals

Video 1: Jan 2018 - Hopeful                             
Video 2: Feb 2018 - "Believe It"                       
Video 3: Apr 2018 - "Terrified" but "Positive"?
Video 4: Nov 2018 - "Grateful" & "Hopeful"
Video 5: Jan 2019 - "Recovering Quicker"
Video 5b: Feb 2019 - History of Journey So Far (longer video)
Video 6: March 2019 - "Excited" & "Changing"
Video 7: July 2019 - "Life is filled with other things" & "Unheard of"
Video 8: May 2020 - "95-98% healed" & "breakthrough to next level"  
Video 9: Aug 22 Update - "100% recovered" & "like a normal person"


Here is a link to the ANS REWIRE program.  


For a full transcript, check out the listing in the recovery stories section here.

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Other Resources

Paperback & eBook

CFS Unravelled is the book that started it all, outlining the explanation for the pathogenesis of ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS and related syndromes and explaining how recovery is possible.

Learn more HERE.

All my email subscribers receive additional FREE resources like my book Discover Hope.  So consider subscribing and reading the book to rediscover hope.

Discover Hope Bookcover

To learn how other people recover, listen to the recovery interviews!

sunset background with words Fibromyalgia recovery stories
sunset background with words ME/CFS recovery stories
sunset background with words POTS recovery stories
sunset background with words MCS recovery stories

If you would like to learn more about the ANS REWIRE program, check out the 4 free intro lessons or visit the ANS REWIRE website.

Check out some other recent episodes

Episode 20: Snippet – How resilient can recoveries be after ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS, PVFS (or long-covid)?
Episode 4: Dr Jacob Teitelbaum, world leading MECFS Fibromyalgia POTS physician, shares his research and experience
Episode 13: Snippet – Should you change program, coach or practitioner to help you recover from CFS/Fibromyalgia/POTS/MCS?
Episode 16: Fibromyalgia Remission Story with Rachel

You can see the full list of episodes HERE.

Check out some other recovery stories:

CFS Relapse: Katie learns how to end the ME/CFS relapse cycle
Fibromyalgia Remission or Recovery – Rachel shares her return to health
Lynn shares her thoughts on how to overcome fibromyalgia and get your life back
“There is no Cure for Fibromyaliga” – An Inspiring Interview about Recovery from MCS, CFS & FMS
Pat Gurnick Learned How To Get Well From CFS, Fibromyalgia and MCS
From bedridden with Fibromyalgia & CFS & MCS to fully well
Beth recovers from Fibromyalgia with the help of emotional healing
Colin’s recovery from long-term ME/CFS & MCS using the ANS REWIRE program
Kristin recovers from 6 years of illness with ME/CFS POTS & MCS as well as PTSD and Bulimia

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Laura Heieie

Thank you so very much Shannon! I too have been doing the ANSrewire program and it has been an interesting journey. Unfortunately, I developed severe POTS after an emotional shock. POTS has now become my number one symptom. Yesterday, I felt very depressed about this happening to me when I had been working the program for about a year. You have given me a lot of hope today. With the help of some mineral rebalancing and faith in the ANSrewire program I will succeed.

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